Categorie | Auteur | Titel | Trefwoorden |
Overig, | Foundation for Public Affairs | 2011-2012 State of Corporate Public Affairs | public affairs, budget, staffing, politieke strategie, Corporate Social Responsibility, Grassroots, Global, Issues Management, PAC, Management of Public Affairs, State Government Relations, Technology, Federal Government Relations |
Nederland | Minique Neyzen | Communicatie van organisaties. Handboek Public Relations | lobbyen, communicatie, public affairs, public relations, organisaties |
Overig, Nederland, Europese Unie | R. Hague | Comparative Government & Politics, an introduction | lobbyen, public affairs, beïnvloeding, Europa, Europese Unie, politicologie, politieke wetenschap, political science |
Europese Unie, Overig | Otto Lerbringer | Corporate Public Affairs: interacting with interest groups, media and governments | lobbyen, public affairs, bedrijfsleven, overheid, business, beïnvloeding, strategie, communicatie, interest groups, belangengroepen |
Overig | Tero Erkkila | Government transparency impacts and unintended consequences | lobbyen, public affairs, transparantie, wetgeving, overheid, Finland, Europese Unie |
Nederland | Jochum de Graaf | Het mediaboek: hoe kom je in de media? | politiek, media, communicatie, PR, public relations, pers, internet, |
Overig | Timothy Rush | How to land a top-paying public affairs director's job | lobbyen, public affairs, solliciteren, resume, career,public relations |
Europese Unie, Overig | Michael Strauss | How to lobby at intergovernmental Meetings | liobbyen, public affairs, onderhandelen, Euroepse Unie, beïnvloeding, politieke wetenschap |
Europese Unie, Overig | Lionel Zetter | Lobbying, the art of political persuasion | lobbyen, public affairs, stakeholders, overheid, government, business, bedrijfsleven, Europese Unie, Verenigde Staten |
Overig | J. Bertok | Lobbyists, Governments and Public Trust | lobbyen, public affairs, transparantie, wetegeving, Europese Unie, Nederland,OESO, OECD |
Nederland | Jan Mastenbroek | Public Relations: de communicatie van organisaties | Public relations, belangenbehartiging, organisaties, dynamisch evenwicht, handboek |